When the teacher as a model
A. Background of study
We know, teacher have a big influence for the student, not only for their intelligence but also for their attitude. According from this statement we can take a little meaning that the teacher must good if their student will be competence in all their skills.
In Indonesia, our government try to make standard, that to know the quality of education, not only for the school but also for the professionalism of teacher. It is the way to change our country to be better.
“if country will be better, the teacher must be better “. We know that Japan can be the second good country in this world because they give good appreciation for their sense (teacher). It’s the key to be better life for all the society, if they will better life they must have good teacher.
If we think about our country right now, we will know many bad inelegance, bad attitude, and bad habit in the society. Why? One key is because the teacher is bad.
So, it is important for us to know “the teacher as a model “ . it is an interesting topic to discuss because we will be the teacher that will have big influence for the students and for this country.
B. Problem of study
1. What is teacher as a model?
2. What you must to do in teaching as teacher that has position as model?
3. How to be a good model on your teaching as the candidate of teacher?
C. Goal of discussion
1. We know Deep meaning of the Teacher as a model
2. We know when the teacher is a model
3. We know what we must prepare from now to be a good model on teaching
II. Review of literature
A. Teacher As Model
When we discuss about teacher as model, I want to tell you that teacher have an many role such as teacher as leader, teacher as parents, teacher as presenter and est. , but I just discuss about teacher as model. I think it’s more important to discuss then others because it includes the personality of the teacher. If the teachers have excellent personality, I am sure the teacher can make excellent their students too.
We know that the teacher have big influence for the teacher. Teacher as a model have 3 important roles that give big influence for the student. That influences are (1) teacher says, (2) teacher knowledge (3) teacher thinks, and (4) teacher act.
First, what the teacher says. We know that voice can influence the people, especially students. Voice can Hypnos some one. So when you teach you must give well says for your students.
Beside it, you must know that what you say will be followed by your students because you as a model. Example, if you like to saying bad, of course your students will follow your saying. Be care full please, with your says!
Second, the teacher knowledge. When the teacher has much knowledge automatically their students will be too. Students will know why my teacher can be expert and they wan to copy the teacher keys. You can’t give if you don’t have anything. You will give what you have, aren’t you?
Third, what is the teacher act?. Of course, it gives influence too. Act is close to the activities of the teacher. Act has connection with uniform. As teacher we must gift good example for the students, what we wear must good. Teacher must give more appreciation for their uniform. Why? In Javanese said “ ajining rogo ono ing busono “ its meansif you will get good appreciation about yourself, you must have good uniform. At less you always wash your uniform and you take a bath before teach. Is better for you to use perfume but don’t too many, it can give bad image for your students.
When the teacher teaches with angry, of course the students will do too. When the teacher likes to hit the students, of course the students will do too. When the teacher does something, the students will do same with what the teacher did. If the teacher like lie, the students will lie too. If the teacher like late, the student will like late too.
But when the students taught with good attitude, it will make students do same with what the teacher do. If we teach with patient, lovely, happy and smile, the student will have good attitude at less as we have.
Fourth, what is the teacher thinking? Actually as the model, all in your life will be copied by your lovers, not only your style, your dress, but also your think. When you got problem, what you want to do. It will be copied too for you lovers. Your lovers are your students I mean.
For example when in our collage have an issue about cheating and you give your opinion that cheating is humanism and you say “you can cheat “. So your think about cheating will give influence for your students. Your students will follow your thinking.
We can meet this fact in IAIN. The lecturer in IAIN has liberalism ideology and the result the out put from IAIN not little that have Liberalism ideology too.
B. Our Doing In Teaching As Model
After we know all we have can influence our students, next we must know what we must to do it. One of the keys is Think and Action. Think means we must think first before we execute our doing. We must select which is good attitude, good personality, good uniform and good saying or others that can give effect for our students.
We must think fist and then action by do fast. When we have decided good attitude, good says, good uniform and others is good, and then we execute it. We act it. We do it. Think first and do fast.
Now, we must know what we must do in teaching be a good teacher on teaching as model.
1. The characteristic of good says that has influence for the teacher as model, have 4 types. First, you say that you know and you must avoid lie. If you don’t know, you must says don’t know. Second, you must always says motivation words, avoid to says bad words. Third, don’t say rough voice or rough stress. It can make your students afraid and will copy your habit. Fourth, don’t any repeating in your saying, is like “and then “or others. Students usually like to copies your saying, so keep saying and don’t forget to think first before saying.
2. The characteristic of good knowledge. To improve your knowledge you must study hard. You mast master your material. You must try and try to understand with your material. Lear and learn is the key to get a good knowledge. If you have good knowledge your students will give good appreciations for you and they will interest in you. Good knowledge also can make you confidence to teaching.
The teacher must aware to the students when the teachers don’t know about the material. Teacher must avoid lie. Don’t forget, you are a model and your students will follow you.
If we will have a student with a good knowledge we must make ourselves good.
3. As a teacher must have a good action. For example; when you are flu and you clean your nose with your dress, it can be follow by your students. So, you must careful with your action.
That you must give more attention in your action is (1) avoid bad habit, (2) do a good habit, (3) remember if you are a teacher, and (4) think before do activities.
Dress is included our action as model. It is style of life. We must wear a good dress, at less neat.
4. The characteristic a good thinking. The teacher must have a good thinking and don’t make our students not confidence. Teacher must believe that our students can understand your material. “. . teaching is not only transfer knowledge but felling to filling is too “
C. Our preparation be good teacher on teaching as a good model
First, make a good habit. Be a good teacher is not easy. We need preparation and fight to master on teaching. The most important in our teaching are our habit. So the key is how to make a good habit? How to prepare it? It is a classical question but little people aware with this key.
“at the first you make habit, in the last habit make you “ its mean that to have a good habit we must have a good activities that we do everyday. It means that we need to have good activities and your character will create by your habit.
Example if you like to cheating, I am sure at the first time you are afraid to cheating, but after you do and do again, your afraid will be change to be happy. And your cheat will be habit. That is the key, the key to make habit.
We as the candidate of teacher must prepare ourselves with good habit and good characters. What we can prepare from now? Prepare from doing little by little. Do from yourself. Make planning to release The New You.
Second, be different with usual person. We must ask to our self, why our country can be better? Although our governments have changed the system of education, It is because the teacher just do the same way to make clever their students. So we must prepare ourselves with new style.
“if you want different result, then you must change your action, Because if you take same action everyday, you always get the same result “. You must change yourself be better, be different with usual person. Don’t follow your old person if their action can’t change the students.
Third, learn and learn. It is the key to improve not only your career but also your life.
“Knowledge is important “. Don’t think your study just to get the certificate but you must have dream more than certificate or job. You studies to get knowledge.
Fourth, think what you can give for others. You are a teacher. “Don’t think what you want to be, but you think want you want to do “I am sure to get certificate Graduate is easy. Example; my friend in Lampung have title S1 about one year, but we must through 4 years. If you think you study among 4 years just to get title, its mean you just think will be and after you get that title you will sad. Because although you have a title but you are not competent, I am sure no institution will take you as the worker.
We must think what we wan to give for our students. So you must repair your goal and move to be best teacher.
III. Closing
We know that the teacher have big influence for the teacher. Teacher as a model have 3 important roles that give big influence for the student. That influences are (1) teacher says, (2) teacher knowledge (3) teacher thinks, and (4) teacher act.
After we know all we have can influence our students, next we must know what we must to do it. One of the keys is Think and Action. Think means we must think first before we execute our doing. We must select which is good attitude, good personality, good uniform and good saying or others that can give effect for our students.
We must change our life be a good teacher by First, make a good habit. Second, be different with usual person. Third, learn and learn. “Knowledge is important “. Fourth, think what you can give for others.
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