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Discussion about Milk. Is milk healthy for humans?

Discussion about Milk.
Is milk healthy for humans?
Mrs.  Endah
Mr. Derit Vikiyono
Ahli Gizi
Mr. Singgih
Ahli Gizi
Mr. Hamda
Pengguna yang kontra
Mr. Rohmat
Father/Pengguna yang kontra
Mrs. Fida

1.      Mrs. Endah :
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning. Thanks for the chance given to me and thakn you for your coming in our discussion. Today we will continue our discussion. Last week we have discussed about bread, “is Bread healthy for our life?” and now our topic is “is milk healthy for humans?”
Now here, we have 5 speaker here. Two speaker from the Mowardi Hospital, he is Mr. Derit and Mr Singgih. To complete our discus toady, we also have three consuments, Mr Hamda as the teacher and one family Mr. Rohmat and Mrs. Fida.
2.      Mrs Endah : How are you?
3.      All : Fine. And you?
4.      Mrs Endah : I’m fine too.
I think we have interesting topic. We will discuss about milk. Is milk healthy for human?
5.      Singgih n Derit : Yes…
6.      Hamda and Fida : No
7.      Rohmat : Yes
8.      Mrs Endah : Ok-Ok. Be patient please! We will discuss it togrther.
First Question is for Mr Singgih as the expert on milk. Mr Singgih, do you agree if milk healthy for humans?
9.      Mr Singgih : I think all of the humans in this world know about milk and the vitamin in it. Based on the researches, milk contain of vitamin, calcium and mineral. It can help the children and adult to grow up. Not only their body, but also their brain. So, the child that consume milk, their brain will grow better than the child that not consume it.
I ever make an Research in Ponorogo. Over there we take some school to consume milk around one year. The result is, the students who consume milk in that place can be better the winner in the class. He also win in class and in regency competition.
So, I believe and recommended all the students in that place and also in his world to drink milk.
10.  Mrs, Endah : Okay, Mr Singgih. It’s very interenting right that milk can make us cleverer. Okay, the next speaker is hm… mr Hamda. Okey Mr Hamda, I got the information that you dislike milk. why you don’t like drinking milk?
11.  Mr Hamda : ya, thaks for the time for me. I think all of the human in this worl like milk. When we come to the world we drink milk. Milk of our mother right? (Semua tersenyum). Day by day, after 2 years, my mother stoped me to drink ASI and my mother change to instant milk. One until two years I still fine consume it, but on the forth year, I am sick and my body on the height temperature.
According to the doctor, I am sick because of milk. He said that my body not strength to consume the milk. Since that day, I stopped drank milk.
12.  Mrs.  Endah : Do you ever try to consume it again, after that tragedy? I means when you are adult.
13.  Mr. Hamda : I ever and I tried many type of milk, but the result is same. My stomach be sick when I am drinking it. Just like diare or muntaber if I consume milk.
14.  Mrs. Endah : What the doctor said to you to solve it?
15.  Mr Hamda : The doctor suggest me to stop drinking milk. Ya, just it the solution.
16.  Mrs. Endah : waw, it’s very amazing. Mr singgih said that milk can improve our growing, on the other hand or in fact Mr Hamda said that milk make mr hamda sick.
Okay gays, we still have 3 (three) speaker here. Is Mr Rohmat also have same opinion with Mr Hamda? Or Mr Singgih? Let’s check it out.
Okay, next question is for Mr Rohmat. I got the information that Mr Rohmat is a hard worker. Do you work in as a farmer, right?
17.  Mr Rohmat : No, I am not a farmer. I’am is a fighter. I’am is a boxer.
18.  Mrs. Endah : waw, it’s great. Okay. What do you think about drinking milk?
19.  Mr Rohmat : I agree with Mr Singgih that milk can help our growing, not only to grow but also to make me strong. Before I fight usually I drink milk to increase my power. So  when I hit my anamy I can make them fainted, ya, just one hit.
20.  Mrs. Endah : wow, its surprise..
What about Mrs Fida. Your husband informed us that you are not like milk. Is it true or not?
21.  Mrs Fida : Yes, it’s true. I am very hate and very-very hate.
22.  Mrs. Endah : Why, you look so angry with milk?
23.  Mrs. Fida : on senior hight I ever drink milk and the effect is my weight increasing until 10 Kilo gram. Starting from that day, I dislike consume milk. I think most of the women dislike drinking milk, as we know that women will keep their body slim. I have a question to the audience, “Do you want to be fat?”.
I’am sure as the normal women like slim, not fat.
Besides that, I ever read a book that milk contain iron. Although the contain is less, but for the future can influence the inner organ of body. So, it’s very danger.
24.  Mr. Endah : Thak you Mr Fida. I think this discussion make us confuse, one side agree if milk healthy the human, but one side again disagree. The last speaker Mr Derit As the expert of Mowardi Hosital. What do you think about Mrs Fida problems. It’s true or not.
25.  Mr Derit : I think just like what Mr Singgih said that Milk contain many vitamin, mineral and also protein. All of them can help our body and can strengthen our body, but for the cases in Mrs Fida, actually we sould known first, what kind of milk that Mrs Fida consume, becasu some of milk are not good for our body. Forexsample milk special to increase your weight. It can make us increase the weight, so as our report is fist, check the type of milk, what for the milk.
26.  Mr Endah : What about iron, it’s danger?
27.  Mr Derit : I think it’s not danger because the percentage in milk is less. And all of us known that we also need iron to make our body strong. I think it same the cases just like eating, if we eat too much it can make our body lazy, but if we eat balanced it will make us healthy. Right?
28.  Mr Endah : Okay, Now, is Mrs Fida, Mr Derit ask about the kins of milk. What did the milk you ever drink?
29.  Mrs Fida : I’am sorry, I’am forget about it. Ohya, maybe you have the solution for me to drink milk that make me healthy and not make me obesity. For Mr singgih and Mr Derit.
30.  Mr Endah : Ok, lets Mr Singgih tried to answer.
31.  Mr Singgih : Oh ya. Now in japan, we still develop the product of milk to minimalize the obesity and we have one roduct. You can buy “Cow Milk” its recommended product for you.
32.  Mrs Fida : Thank you.
33.  Mrs Endah. : OK audiens, that’s all our discussion today, I hope all of you can catch the aim of this discussion. Actually milk heathy for human, but you are forbide to drink too more. If you did it, your body will be sick.
34.  Thak you for the speaker, give applause please and wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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